
Show each student's tests

For each student in the students table, show the tests they have taken and the score received for each test. Order the results by student_id and test_id in ascending order.



| student_id | first_name | last_name | age | class_code |
| 1          | Mike       | Chaplin   | 12  | 7A         |
| 2          | Emily      | Jackson   | 12  | 7A         |
| 3          | Robert     | Jackson   | 12  | 7A         |
| ...        | ...        | ...       | ... | ...        |


| test_id | marks_available | score | subject_id | student_id |
| GEOG001 | 100             | 57    | 1          | 1          |
| GEOG001 | 100             | 12    | 1          | 2          |
| GEOG001 | 100             | 70    | 1          | 3          |
|  ...    | ...             | ...   | ...        | ...        |
| student_id | first_name | last_name | test_id | score |
| 1          | Mike       | Chaplin   | GEOG001 | 57    |
| 1          | Mike       | Chaplin   | MATH001 | 100   |
| 2          | Emily      | Jackson   | GEOG001 | 12    |
| ...        | ...        | ...       |  ...    | ...   |

Use a LEFT JOIN to connect the students and tests table.

SELECT students.student_id, first_name, last_name, test_id, score FROM students LEFT JOIN tests ON students.student_id = tests.student_id ORDER BY students.student_id, test_id

  • This field is required.