
Filter students by name III

Select all students from the students table whose first names begin with the character 'm' or 'M'. Order the results by student_id in ascending order.



| student_id | first_name | last_name | age | class_code |
| 1          | Mike       | Chaplin   | 12  | 7A         |
| 2          | Emily      | Jackson   | 12  | 7A         |
| 3          | Robert     | Jackson   | 12  | 7A         |
| ...        | ...        | ...       | ... | ...        |
| student_id | first_name | last_name  | age | class_code |
| 1          | Mike       | Chaplin    | 12  | 7A         |
| 5          | Mike       | Tydaughter | 11  | 7A         |
| 6          | Matt       | Jones      | 12  | 7A         |
| ...        | ...        | ...        | ... | ...        |

Use the WHERE and 'LIKE' keywords to apply filters to string columns. For example, running a query like:

FROM students
WHERE last_name LIKE 'Matt'

would return all rows in the students table where the first_name is equal to 'Matt'.

In SQL, the percentage sign % is used to represent zero, one, or multiple characters. For example, running a query like:

FROM students
WHERE last_name LIKE 'M%'

would return all rows in the students table where the last_name starts with an 'M' and is followed by zero, one or more characters.

Final tip: Remember to account for the possibility that names may be upper- or lower-case!

SELECT * FROM students WHERE LOWER(first_name) LIKE 'm%' ORDER BY student_id ASC

  • This field is required.