Multiplication and division


In SQL, multiplication and division are basic arithmetic operations that can be performed on numeric values. Here's an overview of how these operations work:


Multiplication in SQL is straightforward and is typically represented by the * operator. You can multiply two numeric values or a column by a constant to get the result.

Basic syntax:

SELECT column1 * column2 AS result
FRM your_table;


SELECT 5 * 3 AS multiplication_result;
-- Output: 15

SELECT column1, column2, column1 * column2 AS multiplication_result
FROM your_table;


Division is represented by the / operator in SQL. It allows you to divide one numeric value by another. It's important to handle division carefully, especially when dividing by zero to avoid errors.

Basic syntax:

SELECT column1 / column2 AS result
FROM your_table;


SELECT 10 / 2 AS division_result;
-- Output: 5

SELECT column1, column2, column1 / column2 AS division_result
FROM your_table;

Handling Division by Zero:

To prevent division by zero errors, you can use a CASE statement or NULLIF function to check for zero before performing the division.


SELECT column1, column2,
  CASE WHEN column2 <> 0 THEN column1 / column2 ELSE NULL END AS safe_division_result
FROM your_table;

Integer Division:

Some database systems support integer division, which discards the decimal part of the result. This is usually achieved using the DIV operator or a similar method.


SELECT 10 DIV 3 AS integer_division_result;
-- Output: 3