

Welcome to the SQL Foundations course!

The course is aimed at complete beginners. It'll suit you if you're:

  • Looking to land a Data Analyst/Data Scientist role
  • An analyst or consultant who wants to add SQL skills to your arsenal
  • A student

If you work through all the accompanying exercises, it'll take about 2 hours to complete. We'll start with the basics - things like creating tables and filtering data - and later we'll move onto advanced topics like:

  • Window functions
  • CTEs
  • Query optimisation

At the end of the course, we'll signpost you to some more advanced resources for taking the next step in your SQL learning journey.

Why take this course?

This course is free, browser-based (no software installations required), and packed full of practice exercises to help you reinforce your learning.

Unlike many other SQL courses, it's specifically designed for people who want to learn SQL for Data Science and Analytics (as opposed to learning SQL for web development, for instance). There's no unnecessary jargon and no "data is the new oil" fluff - just straightforward tutorials that will help you learn SQL as efficiently as possible.

About the creator

Hi! I’m Matt, a Data Scientist living in Oxford, UK.

Before working in Data Science, my first jobs were in Sales and Marketing, and I found it very difficult to learn SQL. Many of the resources I found required fiddly software installations and lacked practice exercises, making it difficult to hone the skills I was trying to learn.

In 2023, my frustrations inspired me to build theSQLgym. I want to make it easy for anyone to learn SQL, and this is my small contribution back to the Data Science community.